PCI DSS User Group

Date: Tuesday, 26th September 2017
Registration: 9.30 - 10.00
Meeting: 10.15 - 12.30 - Followed by informal lunch and Networking
Place: Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London


Speakers: Jeremy King (PCI Security Standard Council), Dylan Beckbridge (SightSavers) the ProCheckUp Compliance and other guest speakers to be confirmed.

The next PCI User Group has been scheduled for the 2nd August 2017. Find the full agenda below:


09:30 – Registration opens

10:00 – Welcome and roundtable

10:15 – How to map PCI DSS with other compliances – Jeremy King

General discussion on compliance and overlaps between PCI, GDPR, ISO 27001, HIPAA, SOX, GBLA.


11:15 – Managing third parties and/or service providers


12:00 – The pitfalls of chasing PCI compliance

What do QSA’s run up against and what can businesses save through good practices in place prior to an audit

12:30 – Close


The presentations will include round table discussions where you will be able to ask questions and share the experiences with the rest of the group. Lunch will be provided.

To register for this session please email solene.siesz@procheckup.com or call on 020 7612 7777.


About the PCI User Group

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (or PCI DSS for short) is a set of complex regulations which all businesses taking credit card payments must go through. Although the exact requirements for each merchant to achieve PCI DSS compliance are dependent on the number of transactions taken annually, the requirements broadly fall into two parts: scanning and auditing.

The PCI User Group was formed back in 2005 for merchants and retailers to come together and talk about the issues surrounding PCI DSS. The aim is for merchants to be able to share experiences with fellow professionals, and to learn from the different businesses and sectors that attend the meeting.

Guest speakers are regularly in attendance, and include acquiring banks as well as representatives from Visa and MasterCard. This gives merchants the opportunity to hear the latest developments in PCI and to ask questions regarding their specific situations.

The PCI DSS User Group is chaired by ProCheckUp, and meets quarterly. It is held in central London. If you would like to join the group, please use this link to register your interest and to be notified of future meeting dates.


Event Information

PCI DSS User Group 26 September 2017

  • Imperial Hotel
    Imperial Hotel 61-66 Russell Square London WC1B 5BB
  • Saturday, 29 March 2025
  • 15:01 - 15:01

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