
Cyphinx is live! Find the culprit.

Today is a happy day for the information security industry as Cyber Security Challenge UK is launching ‘Cyphinx’, a 3D virtual skyscraper that acts as a gateway to a host of cyber security games, competitions and ciphers; as well as recruitment opportunities. We believe this will be a great helping hand for the IT security industry to fill the gap of individuals with specialist skills and attract young talent.

As one of the sponsors, we are delighted to contribute games to this Play on Demand platform.

The ProCheckUp game is based on the company Schlep, a retailer of high end electronic gadgets and wizardry. They have had massive success in this market and are the brand leader in producing the exclusive must have gadgets.

Schlep’s latest product launch, the much hyped Schlepticon, was overshadowed by the realisation that their design blueprints had been copied and divulged to their main competitor in Asia.

Internal investigations have identified a list of seven employees, who had the necessary access, and potential motives, to have conducted this breach. Your challenge is to conduct a series of investigations in to the activities of these actors and eliminate all but one of them from your investigation to reveal the perpetrator of this crime.

You can sign up to Cyphinx on the Cyber Security Challenge UK website,

then go to and help to find the culprit.     

Best of luck!